
beginner blogger

Month: June 2020

Robot petting zoo reflection blog post

During this project, I am most proud of the robot rabbit I made. For this robot instead of using a light sensor, I used shake to detect if the robot is petted or not because using light sensor could be inaccurate if the person was just walking past the robot it still triggers the robot to react, with “shake” that problem won’t happen.

If I can redo this project I will finish the robot earlier so that I will have time to adjust and improve, I will also watch more tutorials before programing so that I will make fewer mistakes.

During this project, I think I did not use time efficiently, I forgot to save up the material to make the robot which causes me to have less time to create and improve the robot. I think I will improve on using time more efficiently.

Robot Petting Zoo: Animal process blog post








tinkercad model


final code

different stages of the model

process of the code (mistakes made)

The video explaining the robot

PE mental health and technology

When I am using technology there are many challenges that I face, when I am using my computer to do school work it is easy to be distracted, either by the message or the noticing. Using online tools to do school work, it can be very easy to wander off, when doing work it makes me less focused. according to a survey done by Harvard University(, 92% of students have been distracted by social media while at school. When there is social media notice we will unintentionally look at it or open the social media software. during times of e-learning because of the increasing of screen time, my vision is getting worse and that could also be a challenge that takes me out of the green zone.

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