Michael's blog

Community DesignArchive

Sep 08

1. Project Shelter is a project which we have to think what our clients need and to build a physical model of a shelter using only limited materials/resources.

2. a. I find insufficiency in my design which my shelter had a lack of shape and decoration, therefor I think I would need to practice designing shapes.

b. I looked for a fancy, fashion color to decorate my shelter to attract my clients.

Sep 04

What is our Suitcase?

  1. In social study, we learn more about how the society works instead of how people behave.
  2. We get ideas from different things and places, then combine them to our own idea. A good products is always practical, we’re always trying to make life better.
  3. To make students understand how to benefit society using the knowledge of design technology since design and social study is strongly related.