Self Reflection on Improving Myself For Better Understanding

Looking back on Project Self, I learned that understanding something takes a period of time.  For example, in maths class, I used to think that I understand calculating with negative numbers and using graphs/number lines to show my thinking and work. But as I explored more into the topic, I found out that I can still be confused or stuck with something, then I realized that I didn’t really, really understand negative numbers yet. So I started to practice my skills again and tries to improve them. Now I think that to really, really understand something, it takes time and you’ll have to remember it with practice or revise it frequently.

Project Self also makes me realize that I have improved my self on is making connections on a piece of information and another provided. I think more about the links between two or several things and connect skills and information together to improve. As I continue learning in the future, I think that I would like to improve is to improve myself on capturing the heart of a project and think about what is the core and why is it important.