Looking back at Project Self, I learned that I have to be self-disciplined to balance between doing the right thing and having fun. For example, when I am working on a project, I sometimes get distracted by my friends. This is the time when I need to be self-disciplined and stay away from my friends for a while to finish my work first, which is the right choice. After I finish my work, then I have the free time to have fun and socialize. Another thing that I can do is to remind my friends as well that during class time, focus on the task first and then socialize when class is over, or after finishing our work.
Project Self helped me realized that sometimes making the right decision at the right time can be hard. I have to be self-disciplined about if entertaining more important or doing my work more important at the time. As I continue learning in the future, I will be aware of making the right decisions for myself and my community.