Developing Myself As an Independent Learner

Based on my self assess on my learning assets, I noticed that one of my strengths area is my management as a thinker and researcher. I use a variety of credible sources and evidence to investigate my questions, develop my awareness and perspective on my thoughts and action. For example, I gathered several sources of information to help and support my writing on my technology proposal of social media on teenagers in Humanities class. During my researches, I learn from facts and noted them down on my computer and notebook with citing the link. I have developed my knowledge from my research and changed some of my points of view on social media.

The area that I think I would like to improve on is myself as a communicator. Even though I can share my thoughts with different people, I feel that I share less of my ideas and opinions when I am with larger group of people and listen more than I talk. Most of the time I share more and feel more comfortable with a smaller group of people, perhaps a pair or in threes, or when I am with my close friends. I would like to try to improve myself by stepping out of my comfort zone and try to speak up more in front of larger audiences.
