Shelter Project: Pre-assessment Reflection

Reflecting back on the pre-assessment we did in Civics & Social Entrepreneurship class, I found out that I have many shortcomings through my process of designing which I have to improve on.

First, analyzing my stage of define & reflection, I only thought about my target audience briefly, there was no specific direction of who this product should help and what my design problem is. I simply defined,y audience of anyone who might need a warm shelter, which might be a vagrant or a family of refugees.  This is obviously not meticulous enough. Furthermore, I gathered no precedents at all, that is something I will need to be aware of next time in my design cycle.

Something I think I did well on my work is that I developed different kinds of prototypes to try out my work and design. However, there weren’t a lot of changes or big improvements from my first prototype to my final product. I believe that is probably because that I lack a design problem. I drew a simple plan of my shelter including the shape and dimensions of my shelter, but I didn’t make a record of it. Lastly, I should have asked for some advice from my peers and do more self0reflection so I can develop my product in a better way.

I did very little self-reflection and it is not recorded since I did it vocally when I was discussing with my table. I demonstrated some growth throughout my process of designing shown from my prototypes, even though it is not very successful at last. Due to the time limit, I didn’t finish my final product. And since I did not clearly state a design problem, my product couldn’t respond to any. All of these are things I will have to attach importance to next time.

Unfortunately, I didn’t document any record of my product nor developed a list of success criteria. Therefore, I have no evidence of my designing process, luckily, I still preserved my final product and prototypes, so I can still reflect and analyze from them. Because I didn’t have a success criteria for my preferred product, it might be more challenging for me to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of my process, including the impact of my product on the audience and environment. Another reason which caused this may be that I didn’t develop an enduring issue or design problem that my product is going to optimize.

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