What is this engineering task?
The purpose of this engineering task is for students to design an original product which transfers energy in consider of the final outcome being environmentally friendly and good-looking. Throughout one class of investigating design ideas and five classes in the design lab, students explore the ISB design cycle and several engineering techniques by creating their products. The design should have a targeted audience and purpose of its function.
What are you thinking about/interested in doing?
The ideas that I am currently interested includes:
- Night lamp
- LED dress for dolls
- Windmill toy
Embed images/links/videos of ideas you like/don’t like.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsSxWzHb0oI&t=41s I quite like this design because it is very artistic and creative. It doesn’t look very hard to make and the materials are also recyclable, which meets the criteria of our project. However, I am not sure what kind of light is used in this idea, and the materials are not listed, so I’ll have to figure things out myself if I choose to follow this design.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7QRn9ZGZvM I really like this idea; it looks so beautiful and adorable. I think that it will be very useful and charming once the product is made. Even though, I am currently not sure about how the energy transfer will be shown through this design and trying to get the materials may also be a challenge. Overall, I think that it will be very interesting if I have the chance to try it out.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkQsBD5WtDo Even though this idea is closely related to the sustainable and recycle criteria of our project, I am not very interested. Firstly, it seems to be overly simple, and I don’t want to finish it in one or two classes then have nothing else to do. Secondly, I think that I’m more of an arts and beauty people, and I would like the design to contain some aesthetic elements more or less.
Define the target audience/ problem needs you will address.
My targeted audience are kids between the age range of approximately 4-10 years old. My product will be some sort of toy or device which eases the kids’ boredom.