“Underground” Story Blurb

It is 2050 A.D. and Zoey Sterlin is a girl who just moved above ground to Boston with her father from the Underground. It is her first time seeing the sky and she is extremely excited. Unfortunately, an unknown virus burst out suddenly and infected a considerable number of people in a short amount of time. As one of the members volunteered to find the source of the virus which comes from the Underground, Zoey faces her past 18 years which she thought she would never look back to. What secrets does the Underground hide? To have a read of my story, click here

The Screencast Flyover of Zoey’s Bedroom Design:  SciFi Story Tinkercad Flyover


Developing Myself As an Independent Learner

Based on my self assess on my learning assets, I noticed that one of my strengths area is my management as a thinker and researcher. I use a variety of credible sources and evidence to investigate my questions, develop my awareness and perspective on my thoughts and action. For example, I gathered several sources of information to help and support my writing on my technology proposal of social media on teenagers in Humanities class. During my researches, I learn from facts and noted them down on my computer and notebook with citing the link. I have developed my knowledge from my research and changed some of my points of view on social media.

The area that I think I would like to improve on is myself as a communicator. Even though I can share my thoughts with different people, I feel that I share less of my ideas and opinions when I am with larger group of people and listen more than I talk. Most of the time I share more and feel more comfortable with a smaller group of people, perhaps a pair or in threes, or when I am with my close friends. I would like to try to improve myself by stepping out of my comfort zone and try to speak up more in front of larger audiences.


How Do I Make Good Choices For Myself and My Community?

Looking back at Project Self, I learned that I have to be self-disciplined to balance between doing the right thing and having fun. For example, when I am working on a project, I sometimes get distracted by my friends. This is the time when I need to be self-disciplined and stay away from my friends for a while to finish my work first, which is the right choice. After I finish my work, then I have the free time to have fun and socialize. Another thing that I can do is to remind my friends as well that during class time, focus on the task first and then socialize when class is over, or after finishing our work.

Project Self helped me realized that sometimes making the right decision at the right time can be hard. I have to be self-disciplined about if entertaining more important or doing my work more important at the time. As I continue learning in the future, I will be aware of making the right decisions for myself and my community.

Self Reflection on Improving Myself For Better Understanding

Looking back on Project Self, I learned that understanding something takes a period of time.  For example, in maths class, I used to think that I understand calculating with negative numbers and using graphs/number lines to show my thinking and work. But as I explored more into the topic, I found out that I can still be confused or stuck with something, then I realized that I didn’t really, really understand negative numbers yet. So I started to practice my skills again and tries to improve them. Now I think that to really, really understand something, it takes time and you’ll have to remember it with practice or revise it frequently.

Project Self also makes me realize that I have improved my self on is making connections on a piece of information and another provided. I think more about the links between two or several things and connect skills and information together to improve. As I continue learning in the future, I think that I would like to improve is to improve myself on capturing the heart of a project and think about what is the core and why is it important.