An Observation of the Strive for Independence

The man found a yellowed old notebook lying by the deep corner in his drawer, its traces slightly blurred through the dim candlelight. On its pages records his sealed but unforgettable past. He gently wiped the dust off the shabby cover, he sat down and started to flip through the pages. He dives into his memories as if youth emerge once again.

The Revolution of America’s Independence has certainly brought a lot of changes to this piece of land. The government is made up of common men from common families, and the identities of being royals or nobles no longer exist in America. Washington, Adams, Franklin…All of them were ordinary men. This was a great change, for the US was the first country to get rid of the rule of just one family. Men had more rights in politics, and people were more equal than before. Moreover, since the US was a country that valued liberty very much, it did not require every citizen to have the same belief. People can believe in more than just Christianity and Catholicism, and no one would point fingers at them. The people who were discriminated against in Britain and came to Maryland to seek their place of survival now could worship their belief however they should.
However, there are still things that continued through and after the revolution. The rights of women, slaves, and Native Americans were not thought to be important, and they couldn’t be as equal as white men. They were recognized as people who wouldn’t be very wise, at least not as wise as the White men. Slaves were not even counted as rightful human beings, still recognized as the property of rich people. Women and Native Americans could hardly get jobs, and only very few were able to gain quality education.