Monthly Archives: March 2022

My Target Audience

The intended audience for me is people that are interested in photography. The reason I choose this is because our elo is about photography(through the lens of Beijing).

Science engineering day 4

The charger doesn’t work because there’s not enough energy that is coming through the solar panel.
The only thing that is successful is that it produces energy but not enough. I think next time I need to add another solar panel so it can produce enough energy so it can charge the phone. If this product works It definitely can help a lot of people with their phones. For example, when your phone’s battery capacity is under %90 it might lose a lot of battery very quickly throughout the day, so this is product can help peoples phone’s lasting for a day.

Engineering product day 3

So this get’s energy from the sun because of the solar panel and the sun which transfer to the usb.
.The improvement I see is that the solar panel charger is going into shape without a class I think I would work. Also I put a switch so that it won’t work continously.