Monthly Archives: September 2024

Photo Safari

This picture was taken from a Air conditioner which is had multiple lines.

The dots in the picture correspond with the picture that is taken on the left which it is the holes on the back of the chair.




This is a picture that is taken from the frame of my door. However i tilt it in order to have the same outline with the picture on the left.





This is a picture taken from the Art gallery called Luo Hong art museum.

This is a picture that was taken in the past of a airport track.

The picture above shows the lining of the frame of the glass and it has lines that correspond with the picture on the right.




The picutre was taken in the front of my house showing the frame or a wide view that you are looking towards or look through.



This picture is centered through showing a object is in the middle which it should be circle however in the picture i had taken. Looks like it have swans which is not a circle that is also in the middle.

The two trees in the background corespond with the two lines on the right picture and this picture was taken in LuoHong Art museum.

Analysis of Photo

  1. List 3 things the photographer might have been interested in capturing in this picture?
  2. If you were the photographer, what title would you give it? Explain why.
  3. Describe the use of line, shape, Pattern, texture, tone and focus – USE THE NOTES ABOVE AS A GUIDE. SOME                      In the picture i see lines for example the grasses and the water and skyline. And i see shapes for example rectangular shapes that is made from the water the sky and also the background of the grasses at the back. Texture in the picture makes me feel smooth when i imagine i’m on the grass. And also the tone in the background for example the cloud and the sunlight that shines through the cloud makes the reflection of the water bright and the picture mainly focus on the water and the sky.

“Formal Elements of Photography

  1. Explain what the phrase Formal Elements means in photography.The seven formal elements are commonly known as: – Line – Shape & Form – Pattern – Tone – Colour – Texture – Space
  2. Describe each of the 6 elements discussed so far (line, shape, pattern, texture, tone, focus) LineDefinition: Lines are the paths that the viewer’s eye follows in an image.

    Use: They can be straight, curved, or diagonal and can create movement, guide the viewer’s attention, or add structure to a photograph.

    1. Shape

    Definition: Shapes are formed when lines enclose a space.

    Use: They can be geometric (like squares and circles) or organic (like natural forms) and help define objects in a photo, contributing to the overall composition.

    1. Pattern

    Definition: Patterns are repeated designs or motifs in an image.

    Use: They create visual interest and can lead the viewer’s eye through the photograph, often adding rhythm and texture.

    1. Texture

    Definition: Texture refers to the surface quality of an object, how it feels or appears to feel (smooth, rough, etc.).

    Use: It can add depth and detail to a photograph, making it more engaging and inviting the viewer to imagine the tactile experience.

    1. Tone

    Definition: Tone refers to the lightness or darkness of a color in an image.

    Use: It helps create mood and atmosphere, affecting how we perceive the subject and the overall emotional impact of the photograph.

    1. Focus

    Definition: Focus determines which parts of an image are sharp and clear compared to those that are blurred.

    Use: It directs the viewer’s attention to specific elements, helping to convey the main subject or idea of the photograph.

  3. Give an example that emphasizes each element (you can use your own image or an image from somebody else – but it must be cited!)
  4. Can an image show just one element at a time? Justify your answer. Line is the main focus.