Tag Archives: 8-1

Red Crisis

I am Liu Hao Ran, I’m a compassionate person. I wrote this journal, because I want to keep my memories how is life in the Revolution. Please read my journal to know how  life about during the Chinese Revolution.

Time flied by so fast, the revolution was over in a blink of an eye. I still remembered the days in the Revolution. Many things changed during the revolution. For example, the Red Guards that was chaotic because Red Guards destroyed people’s homes. The Red Guards went down the countryside because leader Mao wanted to dismiss us. He thought we were too powerful. And later in 1977 Hua Guo Feng becomes the new leader of People Republic of China. I Hope in the future there will be no more revolution, wars and people dying. China can be a fabulous place if there are no more wars.  China’s tradition and culture hasn’t change even in the Revolution.  And there is still the Chairman that is controlling the country. But it’s not chairman Mao it’s another person that controls of us. Also no teachers would get hurt by students, no more killing no more breaking houses and no harm to the society . Beijing now looks better than before factories starts to build up more people working it starts to get in peace.

Boxers Of Opium War

Boxers shouldn’t get a bad reputation. They protect China from foreigners.   According to The Boxer Rebellion Timeline “Missionaries from Europe converts Chinese to foreign religion and destroyed their tradition”. This explains how the Boxers  protected China from converting to foreign religion. This evidence suggest that the foreigners should have a bad reputation because they were changing Chinese religion , tradition , and rules. This is not the Boxers fault because they were trying to help China.

The girl that actually works.

Not only the humans work, even animals and plants have to work. Work makes people happy because people can get rewarded by doing their work. In the story the girl doesn’t like to work so she went outside and play, when she is playing, she saw lots of animals and she ask them do you work. All of the animals said yes, when the girl heard it, she wants to work too. Work often encourages children to grow up.

The Little Girl Who Would Not Work, by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey, the author believes that the work often encourages children to grow up. In the story the mothers want the little girl to work: “You are old enough to do some work, little daughter,” she said, “Even when you are a tiny girl you can learn to be busy” (Bailey 1). We can see that the mother wants the little girl to work and not play. And the little girl wants to play and not work: “‘Oh mother I don’t like to work please let me go to the woods and play just a little while before do my task’’’ (Bailey 1). We can see the little girl doesn’t like to work. To sum up, the little girl who would not work , that works in the end of the story.

Stealing stuff found poem

The found poem above was taken from paragraph 1 2 3 in the novel Thank you ma’am by Langston Hughes .


It shows man vs man conflict between the big fat lady and the poor thief in the rising action the thief tries to stole the lady’s bag but the lady kick him and swear to him.Then the protagonist sees that the poor thief is very poor ,so she takes him to sis house.Thorough the story the poor guy is very happy to see someone helping him. This conflict is resolved when the lady helps him.