I have read Whatever and We Regret to Inform You, and I am currently reading The Dangerous Art of Blending In during our independent reading sessions. I genuinely enjoyed reading Whatever and We Regret to Inform You because they take place in a high-school setting, something I can relate to. Both books included a very obvious exposition to climax to resolution plot structure. I think Whatever teaches the reader that communication is vital in both a platonic and romantic relationship. We Regret to Inform You assures the reader that they should not jump to conclusions and to be honest with your loved ones. I believe both of these messages are important, and I’ll make sure to keep them in my mind in the future. I am currently on page 46 of The Dangerous Art of Blending In, which is presently introducing the setting. So far, I can conclude that the book is centered around the main character, Evan Pano, who lives with an abusive mother and a trying father. I’m very intrigued by the story and am planning to finish it soon.