Bees work hard to makes honey, and ants work hard to build his house, also Clover works hard to makes flowers. So hard work often helps a person to be more successful. This story is about a girl always like to play in woods, and one day her mother tells the little girl she is growing up she need to do some work. The little girl tries it, but she doesn’t have times to play. When she goes to and woods, she learns from her “woods friend” and she decided to work hard.

In the story “The little girl who would work”. Caroly Serwin Bailley believes that Work often helps a person to be more successful. The anther wants little girl to work and the mother of little girl say “You are old enough to do some work, little daughter. Even when you are a tiny girl, you can learn to be busy.” (Bailey 1). The mother said the little girl are old enough to do work, it means when you are growing up to do work are very important for you. Also the anther wants to tell all the kids that work is more important than play, work can help you learn more things than play or so. The anther thinks the little girl are old enough to work and her friend bee also work as will “’Little bee, do you have any work to do?’’ “Work!”’ (Bailey 1). This shows that her “wood friend” all are working, and only the little girl don’t do her work. She don’t wants to do work because she thinks work are very bored and the little girl can’t go outside to play.


The little girl wants to play outside, but her mother wants her to work because she is growing old to work.



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