XiaoManChaTian (小满茶田) logo design:
Background information:
XiaoManChaTian is a new, innovative cherry-themed fruit tea brand located in multiple areas of China. The XiaoManChaTian brand is known to be the pioneer of cherry-themed drinks in China. They serve a variety of drinks in combination with their signature, fresh cherries. The brand mainly produces its refreshing fruit tea at public locations such as around malls, office buildings, and busy streets.
Intended audiences/consumers:
The intended audiences of XiaoManChaTian would mainly consist of younger consumers. XiaoManChaTian’s flavourful, sweet, cherry-themed drinks appeal better to younger consumers because not only do the products taste great, it is also sold at an affordable price. This allows younger consumers to enjoy the refreshing drinks produced by the brand.
Design Need:
Since the targeted audiences of XiaoManChaTian mainly consist of younger consumers, the logo would need to appeal to the younger groups of people. The design of the logo would also have to communicate freshness. Because this brand produces cherry-themed drinks, it would be crucial to express the freshness of the cherries in the logo.
Ideation Matrix:
Shapes: | Type | Ideas |
Geometric | Serif | Drink Bottle, Straw |
Nature (Mainly Curves) | Tsukushi A Round Gothic | Cherry(s) |
Objects | Sans-Serif | Fun |
Lines | Curly | Simplicity |
Circles | Comics | Tea Leaves |
Abstract | Decorative | Teacup |
Thumbnail Sketches:
After brainstorming the possible ideas for the logo, I choose three of the best ideas to expand upon with vector graphics. The three designs I choose were the drink sketches (Number 2 on thumbnail sketches), cherry movement sketches (Number 4 on thumbnail sketches), and cherries with handle(Number 15 on thumbnail sketches).
I choose these three design ideas because I believe that they best satisfy the design criteria for the brand. Specifically, I think that these three sketches best represent and communicate the ideas of freshness, modernness, and simplicity.
After selecting the top three designs I have, I began to further develop each logo on Affinity. While developing the logos, I created different variations for each idea. For example, I designed the logo ideas on both black and white backgrounds, used different placement of type, and different sizing.
I believe that my technical skills have improved greatly throughout this unit. At the start of the unit, I relayed heavily on the support of Procreate. However, because Mr.Griffin encouraged everyone to create logo designs on vector graphics, my ability to create graphics on affinity improved significantly. Some examples of technical skills I learned throughout the unit are alignment, curved text, opacity, stroke width and etc.
Before (Panda Books):
At the start of the unit, my designs were much like freehand drawings, however, with the applications of multiple technical concepts, I was able to improve my designs. Ultimately producing a professional, well-developed logo.
With drafts of multiple designs completed, I gathered feedback from my partner, Alex.
After Alex observed all the different designs, he gave me helpful feedback and comments that would help me improve my designs. Firstly, Alex told me that he really enjoyed the choice of the font. This is because the font seems very natural mainly because it incorporated the geometric shape of a circle. This also connects to the design of the cherry as both incorporate the usage of curves and circles. After Alex saw the design, he thought that curves have a strong connection to freshness and nature, so, therefore, this font could also help communicate that.
Alex also appreciated the“tea buds” handle design from the logo, it shows the contrast between the bolder and more significant font of “小满茶田”. This means that the “小满茶田” (which is the name of the brand) font would demand more attention than the less important “tea buds” font. This would guild the viewers to view the main words of the logo before the smaller and less significant details. Ultimately helping with communication.
My pattern, Alex also gave me feedback on things that I can improve. An example of this would be the path of the cherry on the other logo. The path of the cherry on that logo doesn’t seem very natural as it does not follow the path of gravity. Improving the trajectory of the cherry would make the logo seem more natural in general, communicating that your logo is connected to nature and freshness.
The last piece of feedback I received from Alex was on the shape of the cherries. The cherry from your logo seems very round. A cherry usually doesn’t have a perfectly round shape. By making it slightly oval would help communicate that your cherries are from a very natural source. Once again, improving the communication of freshness.
After reviewing the design criteria of “what makes a good design”, I noticed that there are many ways that I can further improve my design.
Firstly, I think that something I did well on would be design criteria 1, “The logo is the face”. This states that the logo’s job should be a representation of the brand, not an illustration of the product. For my design, I think that I incorporated the criteria successfully. At first, I experimented with an illustration of the actual product. But soon later, I refined the design into a more abstract and geometric symbol.
Something that I can improve on would be making the logo function in black and white. My current logo is dependent on the red color of the cherries. However, after reviewing the design criteria, I realized the significance of designing the illustration in black and white.
Not complete yet…
January 6, 2022 at 10:29 am
Hi Chris, well done on an excellent logo, process and refection. Your design brief is very clear and detailed, and your process of developing and refining your logo has resulted in a professional-quality final design. The main area for improvement is that you have not shown an effective final presentation, nor utilized the mockup templates to show your design in its intended context. If you are able to do this in the next week or so, please let me know and I’ll take another look.
January 11, 2022 at 10:48 am
Hi Chris, fantastic effort to review your assessment and improve on those areas that were outlined in the previous feedback. Your design process and final outcome is truly impressive, congratulations!!