The Borden Murders
The video below contains a brief introduction of the book, explores the central idea, the theme, and why you should read it.
The Borden Murder is a book written by Sarah Miller which shows how many court judgments are made in a biased way in America during the 1800s. The book explores the famous crime of Lizzie Borden who was blamed for the murder due to the way she acts. Many characters disliked her because of how she didn’t “act like a lady”. ““In the first scramble for a doctor, the sight of Mrs.Churchill as she sped across the street had caught the eye of John Cunningham, a reporter for the Fall River Globe, out collecting the weekly payments from subscribers. ‘Her actions,’ he noticed, ‘were rather peculiar for a lady.’” -page 40 This quote clearly states that people disliked her because she was “rather peculiar” and these people eventually became biased towards Lizzie, affecting the outcome of the final judgment. Because of this, it led me to believe that the theme of the book is to base your judgment on facts, do not be biased.
Two reasons why you should read this book are; The book is fast-paced and shows you all the important details while leaving you with a cliff-hanging question, did Lizzie do it? Or did she not? The other reason why you should read this book is simply because of how interesting the events themselves are. I think the events are very thrilling, as you read more, you approach closer and closer to finding out who did it. And I think that makes the story very fun to read.
One thing that I learned while reading this book is that rereading is very important. Rereading will allow you to gain important information that you missed before, it really helps you understand the main concept of theme of the book.
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