A Warm and Tasty, Cup of Tea

This is the final prototype we made after testing the first one. My partner and I used velcro to make the prototype reusable and easy to stick.
This is what we chose to make on the top of the cup. To keep the heat inside, we have to cover the whole part, but we also need the part to drink. So, we cut off some part to drink.

The cup insulator my group made is called “a nice cup of tea.” We made 3 layers of material on the side and 2 layer for the lid and 3 layers at the bottom. We put 3 layers of Cotton, Black Felt, and thick Paper to prevent the heat loss inside the cup. Also, on the lid, we put 2 layers of rubber and foil to absorb heat from the outside using black rubber. At the bottom, we wanted to keep the coolness out so we put mylar. We used mylar because mylar absorbs heat faster than other materials.

This is our sketch. The first box is my own idea and the second box is our final idea. And the last box is the procedure we had to follow.


This is my group’s final prototype. I am proud of how we used our knowledge we learned from the penguin challenge. I tested many different kinds of materials and learned what material is going to absorb heat and what will not. First time when I made the prototype, it didn’t have a bottom. But the teacher gave the feedback to make the bottom to avoid the coolness coming from the desk. The hardest thing about this project was that we needed to think about the design. To make people buy our prototype in the store, we needed to make it clean enough. And after we made the second prototype, I just realized that we could put some design on it to make it prettier.

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