The boxers deserve a bad reputation (rap) because they killed and destroyed things including properties only for their own good. The boxers killed and damaged what they thought was bad. For example, they destroyed technology and cut railroads, attacked the foreigners over the church wall, and even dug underground. Also, the boxers killed the Chinese and foreigners that were related to Christians (or the ones that were Christians) because they thought the church caused huge problems. It includes threatening their religion- Buddism, by spreading Christianity to Chinese people, and drought. Lastly, according to the tour of history, it said that “British and foreigners wanted to kill boxers, but they had no idea who were the boxers, so they killed many innocent people and even their own people.” It proves that, because the boxers harmed them, foreigners wanted to kill them for revenge. If there were no boxers, then this tragedy wouldn’t have happened. This means that because the boxers harmed the foreigner properties for themselves to live a better life. They are the ones who made the British and foreigners have war. If the boxers didn’t attack them, then there wouldn’t have been victims.

(Small Info: For the drought- The boxers just attacked the church (foreigners) only because they thought drought was the church’s fault.)