Category: Visual Art (page 1 of 3)


Envelop Box- Artist Statement

This is my final artwork called Envelop Box! I am proud of my artwork and I am going to try something new with cardboard in the future.

Develop Craft

DAY 8:

I had no time to make a real lock, so I made a lock that doesn’t work but has the lock shape. I also made a key that can go through the hole. For making the hole of the lock, I first cut out it with the box cutter, then used a pencil and put it in to organize it.

Engage and Persist

DAY 7:

The problem I faced was cardboard keep falling even though I stuck it with a glue gun. The picture is one of the examples. I used the hot glue gun to stick it a couple of times, but it kept falling. The way I solved it is I stuck it with glue gun again, pressed it for a while, then cover the holes and spaces with filling in hot glue gun to stick well.

Develop Craft

DAY 6:


I completed building the treasure chest and started designing the outside. I cut out the cardboard into envelop shapes and wrapped it up with different textures of white paper and silver paper. I improved on tapping cardboard and paper, and I realized it was easy to stick it than hot gluing them on. I had a hard time thinking of how to make the designs not using paint first, but in the end, I had a good idea of using colored papers to make the shapes.

Develop Craft

DAY 5:

I stuck the sides together and made the box of the treasure chest, and continued making the roof. I was going to make the roof first, but it was challenging to calculate the measurements and the size of the half-circle. I think it’s better to stick the sides first! I developed the skill of cutting because I can cut curly cardboard fluently now and it took less time to cut things like the half-circle.


Develop Craft

DAY 4:

I am making the roof of the treasure chest. A technique I used was cutting and one thing I tried new was making the cardboard bendable. I kept folding different parts to make it bend. One challenge I faced was deciding the size of the side of the roof(half-circle).

Develop Craft

DAY 3:

I made the rest of the sides of the treasure chest. A technique I used was cutting, and I improved on cutting the cardboards straight. I think it turned out well because there were no challenges I faced. I think it was easier to make because I already tried to make the sides, so I knew the measurements and the way to cut.

Develop Craft

DAY 2:

I made the smaller side of the treasure chest. A technique I used was cutting. A challenge I faced was cutting straight even though I traced it with rulers. I am better at thinking about measurements because at first I didn’t know how long it has to be but now I can just try and find the right measurements. I think it turned out well!

Develop Craft

DAY 1:

I made a base, 1 side, and started to make the other side of a treasure chest with cardboard. I cut holes in the cardboard to make the sides with a box cutter, and it was quite hard to make it straight even though I traced it with a pencil. But I was better at cutting cardboard than when I was stretching and exploring with cardboards.



I will make the treasure chest with cardboard.

  • Leave the background cardboard (more like classic style)
  • I will make a design like envelop, tear, wave and heart with acrylic paint, and colored paper.
  • I will write ‘top secret’ on the cardboard lock.
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