Category: Treasure Chests (page 2 of 2)

Stretch and Explore

Stretch and Explore:

I will try using cardboard because the treasure chest has spots that are bent so cardboard are easy to bend. Also, I think to express my ideas, and design would be better on the cardboard. If I don’t like the color of the cardboard, I can cover it with paint because the color is light, but clays can show, and make it roughly.



I think the letters and diaries I made with friends are important because I did it with friends living far away from me. For the idea, I would cut out paper or paint the shape of envelopes.

Understand the Art World

The idea of making the lock working inspired me because I never thought the cardboard lock to work as a real lock. I liked the way of making the connection of cardboard look like a design. I learned how to connect cardboards in a new way, and I also learned how to make a lock.

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