The problem I had was plaster not sticking together. When I was making a mask on my face, the plaster can’t stick together. It was because I couldn’t see well what I was doing, so I didn’t have good control. When I did it on the face model, it helped me because I can see it, so I had nice control of sticking the plaster together. I can control the thickness of the plaster and it was easy for me to know where I should put more.
I used plaster and paint the most. Plaster was used to make my mask, and for decorations I mostly used paint. The techniques I used were splatter paint and drop paint. I improved by trying out small pieces of plaster to make my mask successful. Not to make mistakes like putting too much water or too much paint when using the splatter technique, I practiced on a separate paper and made sure of the amount of paint and water was enough. I did the same with the dropping paint. Because of practice, I am satisfied with my work.
I chose this mask because when I saw this mask, I really liked the tear in the black. The aura, which is dark but light made me comfortable and kind of exciting. The mysterious feeling makes me curious of what’s going to happen. From the video, it says some masks are to hide themselves, and in my opinion, this person in the picture is also hiding himself. I think the mask can describe or hide the people who is wearing it or their feeling. Masks can be representing different things, and it has different meanings!
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