About the Author
About the Play
Appearance- Appealing Women (Explanation of Picture): The women show the beauty of Hermia, and she isn’t smiling because Hermia’s facial expressions are dark and sad because of her situation. Quote: “Your eyes are lode-stars, and your tongue’s sweet air” (Shakespeare 12).
Paragraph- The character, Hermia, is a one-sided persistent character like a sunflower. She is a one-sided sunflower because a sunflower only sees one person and doesn’t change. Her thoughts and sayings to Lysander show how she still loves him even though her father forces her to marry Demetrius. For example, she thinks “If I refuse to wed Demetrius” (Shakespeare 8). This shows she still loves Lysander and will not marry Demetrius. Overall, Hermia only loves Lysander and wouldn’t change her mind like a sunflower.
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