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Socratic Seminar Reflection

What did I do well in the formative Socratic seminar?

I think I did a good job at contributing to the discussion and adding on ideas.

What do I still need to work on?

I still need to work on constructing my explanation and trying to include others in the conversation.

What goals do I have for next time?

I would like to be able to lead the discussion but also bring others into the conversation.

What steps will I take to achieve these goals?

Next time, I’ll try and ask open ended questions and give time for peers who might need more time to think about the question.

lighting design key terms

Lighting design – The concept that a designer creates to provide light onstage to support the mood or atmosphere of the play

Light plot- The map that shows you where all the lighting instruments are placed and where they will be lighting

Lighting grid– Up above the stage, it is the system of bars and electricity that power the lights

Lighting board– The control panel that power the lights

Cyclorama– The large white sheet at the back of the stage that can be lit or projected on

Backlight – Lighting from the back

Sidelight – Lighting from the side (lighting from different angles provides more depth and texture to the actors)

Top light – Lighting from above (really important that the actors don’t look 2-D)

Front light – Lighting from the front (if you only had this lighting the actors would look bad) 

Footlight – Lighting that is placed on the floor in the front 

Spotlight – A single source of light focused on a single subject (highlights and emphasizes a place or a person in the production)

Fill light – Light sources that add lighting in and around the set/scenery/stage – they ‘fill in’

Wash – A large group of lighting that can ‘wash’ the stage in light that you can bring up at once together

Lighting angle – The angle of the lighting instrument in relation to the subject; usually 45%

Gobo (or pattern) – A pattern (in olden days it was a circle of metal) that blocks light to give you a shape onstage (greater than 45 top, lower than 45 becomes footlight or front light, gives us gentle shadows on characters that aren’t pronounced )

Gel– The color that you want the instrument to throw onstage (or light onstage)

Literary Essay Relflection

I think I did a good job analyzing the poem and explaining the literary techniques the poet uses to develop the theme.  I feel like I could’ve developed my conclusion more and clarified my analysis. My goal for my next literary essay is to convey a complex understanding of the text and analyze it more clearly. I would like to work towards a Mastering next semester and make my conclusion relate to my thesis more. Overall I think I did a good job, but there is definitely room for improvement.

Quarter 1 Reflection- English 9

What am I doing well on?

-I think I have successfully employed a range of literary techniques that are effective for my creative writing pieces. I met all of my creative writing portfolio standards so I think I did well on that.  Although I got one mastery, mastering all of the standards would be my next goal moving forward.

What do I still need to work on?

– Reading is an area I can improve on because I got an AP for that standard. I can also work on my choice of language to make it precise and varied instead of only precise. There are definitely areas for growth because I believe I reach mastering in these standards.  I still need to work on my analytical writing as I find that difficult at times.

What steps can I take to continue to improve moving forward?

– I can read more books to help grow and improve my English in all areas. I can also start reviewing my literary terms and utilize school resources like practice on IXL and use Grammarly to check my writing.

Independent Reading Progress

I’ve finished the book Feed (Science Fiction)by M.T. Anderson and several other books such as How it feels to float (Realistic Fiction) by Helena Fox, Surely you’re joking, Mr. Feynman by Richard P. Feynman (biography), and Carve the Mark (Fantasy) by Veronica Roth. Currently, I am reading the book Scythe by Neal Shusterman, which is a science fiction book about a time where humans have beat mortality, and in order to overcome overpopulation, there are scythes who are required to “glean” or kill people. This book is easy to read and understand but somehow makes me wonder about the book even after I stop reading. I think this book has potential for the final culminating literary essay project because it is very interesting. The characters have complex personalities and the plot is equally as complex.  My next steps are to finish this book and continue to read more books of different genres.


I did well on my storyline, narrative technique, and my conclusion. However, I could still work on my sequencing and better vocabulary.  I also had a few errors in grammar and punctuation so I will try to remember to revise my writing and improve my vocabulary.  My goal is to aim for mastery in all areas next time.

Independent Reading

FEED -M.T. Anderson

This book is about a teenager named Titus who lives in a time where everyone has access to the “feed” that is directly connected to the brain. So streams of games, shows, chats, and ads are constantly flowing in his head. It’s a Sci-Fi novel that is pretty interesting. Over the weekend, I read about half of the book and so far I think it’s pretty good.


One of the strengths that I have is that I’m a fast reader, I can usually finish a book (if I was interested in the book) in a  few days. I also have a reading habit already so that’s good. My weaknesses are writing creatively and finishing a book that I don’t find interesting. If the book I’m reading is “boring” (in my opinion), I usually just stop reading and find another book, which is something that I’m working on.

My goals for English 9 are to improve my 1).creative writing skills and 2).read more non-fiction (even when I don’t enjoy it) because sometimes reading is not only for pleasure.  To help me with achieving my goals, I will force myself to finish the books I find boring and try to write more.  Although it is tempting to only read books that interest me, it’s important to find balance in the books you read. Therefore, I will try my best to read a variety of different books.

A great resource I have is the school library. I will definitely be borrowing books from there this year. Some obstacles I have are after-school classes/sports and my phone. I definitely get distracted by my phone sometimes so that might be a problem. However, I will try my best to have good time management.

Circuits: Pig (from Angry Bird)

My original plan for my summative circuit project.


My original idea was an interactive mural where when you touch the left nostril of the pig, the crown lights up and when you touch the right nostril, a sound effect would play from the CPX.  The LED lights on the crown would be the small blue bulb ones, similar to the one I used on my last project. The CPX would be attached to the back and would be attached to a battery pack. My plan was simple and didn’t require lots of additional materials.


However, I had to change my pathway of the conductive thread on my actual project as I drew the pieces inverted. But that wasn’t a serious problem as I already had a  general idea about where the thread was going to go. This is what I ended up doing:

I tried my best to make sure that the ground (negative) and the pin (positive) would not touch each other as to not interfere with the electricity and ended up making them as far apart as I could.

My second problem was that in my original plan, my LED lights would have to go through three layers of felt but I soon realized that it would be difficult to get the LED legs through so I improvised and decided to cut the base of the pig’s face out so my LED would only have to go through two layers of felt.



Step 1.) cut all the felt pieces out

Step 2.) sew everything together with decorative thread










Step 3.) sew the CPX on

Step 4.) sew LED lights on with conductive thread








Step 5.) sew the conductive thread to the conductive tape

Step 6.) code the CPX and plug it in









Through this circuit project, I learned that there are actually lots of things you could do using a CPX by programming it.  I always thought that coding was a complicated thing that hackers did but turns out it’s not that hard to learn. Although I only know the basics of the CPX coding language, it’s been really fun to explore it and experiment with it. I can definitely see myself doing projects similar to this in the future. A really interesting project that I would love to do is the rocket planter thing that lights up.



An ANGRY BIRD pig that gets mad when u touch his right nostril and lights up when u touch his left nostril (the video is inverted)

:)) Have a nice day

Sewable Electronics: Hello Kitty Pin (circuits class)

This is my first sewable electronics project and I chose to make a hello kitty pin with an LED on the bow.



I made this pin because I thought it would be cool. It was also a pretty simple design and not too challenging for me to sew. I’m most proud that my LED sticks out (and it works) because I think it made my whole project look better in general. Besides that, I also really like how the bow color contrasts the background color. The back looks messy since it’s my first project but the stitches can’t be seen on the front.  Initially, I made three designs for what I was going to make and I chose the second one because I liked the design more. As you can see, in the final product I didn’t add whiskers becuase I liked the way it was and thought adding whiskers might make it look weird.

All the felt I used in this project (except the base of it) was the thinnest 2mm one as it was easier to sew on and that was all that my project required. The reason my pink base was slightly thicker was because using the 2mm one would mean that my threads in the back would be exposed.

This was my design process:

1. Make a paper prototype

2. Cut it out in felt

3. Sew the pieces together

4. Put the LED light in

5. Sew the battery holder on

6. Sign my initials on



This whole e-textile thing was new to me because I didn’t take any circuit classes before but it was really fun and I learned a lot about how they work. The only thing I was slightly familiar with was sewing (because I did it when I was in ES) but other than that, almost everything was new to me. I never knew that conductive thread was a thing (it actually works as well as the conductive tape!). I ran into some small problems but with the help of my design teachers, I got feedback and came up with better solutions. For example, a problem I ran into was the path of the conductive thread. Because my original design for the conductive thread pathway overlapped my desgin in front, it would be hard for me to sew the thread on, so the solution I came up with (with the help of Ms. Kim) was to make the thread go around my design.

Reviewed design (in light pencil)

Initial design

I also learned that making a paper prototype was very important, it may seem time consuming, but it actually helps a lot. I realized that my LED light would have to go through three layers of felt (the base, the face, and the bow) and figured that sewing it would probably be a challenge. So I decided to cut the hello kitty ears off seperately so that my LED only had to go through two layers of felt (the base and the bow).

What I ended up doing



The tips I would give to next semester students would be to make your design and always check with the teacher and find problems or ways to improve.  The design teachers are smart so they can help you overcome your problems. Also, (in my opinion) the bulb LED lights look better so maybe use that. The trick for getting it inside the felt is to use a thick needle and make two holes for your LED bulb to go in.

Based on this project, I would like to learn about other ways we can use conductive thread for.

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