What am I making?

the product that I will be working on is a fan that has batteries that can be charged with a solar panel, The fan should be big enough and the motor should spin fast enough so that there is actually wind coming out, this also depends on the battery that I will be using which I will test and use the one that fits, this is for safety when the user is using the product. to further assure the safety of the user, I will be using a plastic fan instead of other hard materials so that the user doesn’t cut their hands off. I will also be doing research about the concept behind how I will put everything together. (How the solar panel charges the battery and gives energy to the motor) after putting everything in place and testing it so that it works, I will create a case/shell for the fan so that it is usable which I have already created the dimensions for. (Everything(Materials)  else are provided within the school).

Materials that I will be needing in this product is:

Cardboards which I will be using for the case of the fan.

motor and a fan,

a solar panel that charges the batteries.

The circuit board that operates and connects the entire product together.