Smell detector Design

In design, I made a prototype of a smell detector. I had an idea of designing a watch that is a smell detector. I got the idea of making a watch from an Apple watch.

Firstly, there is an on/off button. You turn on the screen and the sensor by this button. On top of the on/off button is the screen for showing the object type. Next to it is a camera holder hole. The wooden stick is the holder, and you put the stick in the hole. Moreover, there is a camera on the backside with a camera protector. The purpose of the camera is that some objects might not be identified by the smell, so a person could take a picture. Then it will also show the object on the screen. There is also a battery case next to the camera. The band of this detector is about 15cm long. At last, the most important thing which is the sensor of the detector. It is located on the side of the detector. It inhale the smell of an object, and the object shows on the screen. That’s my smell detector!