Blue & Green & Red Photographs
These photos in a green contact sheet mostly fit with my vision that was linked with the artist Alexander Jacques. The photograph mostly are focusing on the formal element repetition. Moreover, I also focused on different shapes or lines.
Red photographs
The three images above The inspirational photos links with the formal elements of tone, shape, and mainly repetition. I chose these images because they strongly related to my vision and had a strong cohesive theme with elements together. Most of my artists works include different kinds of shapes with repetition. Moreover, the tone isn’t dark but mostly bright. Something that works well with the photographs is that they strongly and clearly show the element of repetition. When taking these photographs, I managed the different ISO camera settings in a different environment. In the darker places, I used higher ISO. I also selected some of these photos to be cropped and adjust to the brightness. The purpose of doing that is to make them similar to Alexander Jacques’s photographs. Moreover, the photographs include specific and multiple shapes and lines. It mainly includes the shapes of rectangles and squares. In addition, there are different kinds of lines- horizontal, vertical, straight, bold, and thin. I want the viewers to feel pleasing when they see my images. In addition, I want to make the viewers think of other usual objects that can be taken with the element of repetition. Something that I need to work on and develop further is my photograph editing skills. I also want to experiment more on the angle, because when taking pictures of the repetition of buildings. It was hard for me to take it under the building rather than in a higher place. To do this, I need to stand in a higher position next time.