- Light as the main theme
- Unfocusing
- Not too busy in the backgrounds, simple, no humans
- Always having two photographs in comparison in one artwork
- Provide a feeling of calmness and pleasingness
As shown in her photographs, the main theme or the focus is light. She also uses blurring techniques in a “not too busy” environment to make the images more abstract. Her photographs use brighter colors that have a brighter tone. This provides to the viewers a warmth or pleasingness which relates to my vision. It is interesting to see as a viewer using different lighting techniques either subtle or clear. Furthermore, she always gives another photograph for comparison. The second photograph is taken either from a different angle or using a different lighting technique. I have chosen this artist because it strongly bonds with my vision. My vision is to provide the viewers a calmness using lighting techniques. Her main theme or focus is also on lighting.
Quote from Uta Barth
“Specificity of time and place drop away and one starts to think about the picture, as much as what it is of. My work never directly addresses the literal subject matter of the photograph but attempts to ask questions about vision itself.”(Uta Barth).
I like this quote because it lets us understand more about Uta Barth and how she thinks about her photographs.
I have chosen this photograph as my favorite one, because the lighting, the color choice, and the shadows provide me a calmness. This is literally what I want the viewers to feel, the pleasingness. The yellow color effectively helped it. It is surprising that the artist included shadows or reflections in the photographs instead of just showing the yellow couch or the background. There is also a contrast in the photograph. It makes it more abstract which I like about it. I believe the formal element that the photograph is focusing on is tone. Even though the shadow might be another main focus, I think the first thing that the viewers will notice is the actively bright yellow color as a theme. It makes the viewers feel a strong calmness and warmth by the color. There isn’t any real focus subject in the photograph. Moreover, adding different elements like shadows make it more abstract. I really like how she is using light and color in her photographs which spread calmness. It shows her uniqueness and interesting style. I will adapt this style or theme by using different bright colors that bring pleasingness, lighting effects, and reflection.