Color-coded Photographs
Green Contact Sheet Set 2 link
I have chosen the photos by selecting photographs that relate to my artist and my vision. Furthermore, I have chosen pictures related to constructions, objects that are frequently seen, and nature. These photographs in the Green Contact Sheet fit my vision of using colors. This time I used Black & White. I also focused on providing the viewers a feeling of calmness. In most of my photographs, I experimented with the use of shadows and the contrast of the tone. Different other formal elements were also included, such as lines.
These photographs are red images I have chosen for my set 2. The artist Albert Renger Patzsch inspired me with his use of shadows, Black & White tone, pleasingness, use of frequently seen objects, and reflections to take these photographs. These images link to Albert Renger Patzsch’s pictures because I experimented with depicting the commonly seen objects, including nature and constructions. Albert also used kitchen utensils in his photographs, so I took photos of a spoon, a knife, and a fork. Furthermore, the main focus of the pictures by Albert Renger Patzsch was the tone. He used the technique of Black&White, giving the viewers a pleasingness. After I took the photographs, I went out of my comfort zone of using different colors and edited my images to Black & White. It showed a pleasingness and a clear contrast of the tone between darkness and brightness. The elements emphasized in my photographs should definitely be the tone and lines. The components work together to show a strong idea which makes the pictures “work” and unique. Something that the photographs work well is showing the pleasingness through Black & White. It also includes the use of shadows and clearly shows the contrast of colors. When taking pictures, I used the grid rule and focused on the subject I was taking. Moreover, I also altered the ISO setting in different environments. At last, I used the photo editing skill to change the photographs to Black & White and cropped them to make them more abstract. In addition, the pictures include different kinds of lines, which also makes the photos enjoyable. The lines have curves, straight, bold, and thin.
When the viewers see my images, I want them to feel the calmness and warmth as my vision made them think that. I believe, in general, the Black & White photographs of objects that are frequently seen will provide a pleasingness. Moreover, I want the viewers to think that the different brighter colors will bring calmness and the collaboration of Black& White.
I need to improve on or develop further to focus on different angles and focus on objects. It will make it more abstract. For my set 3, my goal is to continue providing the feeling of calmness and warmth to the viewers using different elements.