Reading Reflection 1

The current book I am reading right now is an eminent Southern Gothic fiction of Harper Lee. I almost finished this book. This book is entitled “To Kill a Mocking Bird.” This story has a theme of fighting discrimination. Many residences are racist, and our protagonist’s father, Atticus Finch, diligently tries to fight back the discrimination towards individuals. One of the questions I have about this book is that If this story is a true story. The protagonist’s father, Atticus Finch, is an eminent lawyer for discrimination. When I read, the word choice and especially numerous dialogues provide the feeling of reality. This book has inspired me to attend more charity activities because the story is to resist discrimination. It made me feel frustrated when reading and considering that the modern world still consists of inequalities. One of the predictions I can make is publishing another to kill a mocking bird book related to the modern world in the 21st century. However, unfortunately, the author Harper Lee passed away in 2016. As I read, I learned how unequal society is and compared the story and the modern world in my mind. Overall I enjoy reading the story; however, I think changing some wordings that include racial terms will improve the story, even though these words are strong. I plan to read or reread other novels are “Holes” by Louis Sachar and “The Crown’s Game” by Evelyn Skye.

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