Smell detector Design

In design, I made a prototype of a smell detector. I had an idea of designing a watch that is a smell detector. I got the idea of making a watch from an Apple watch.

Firstly, there is an on/off button. You turn on the screen and the sensor by this button. On top of the on/off button is the screen for showing the object type. Next to it is a camera holder hole. The wooden stick is the holder, and you put the stick in the hole. Moreover, there is a camera on the backside with a camera protector. The purpose of the camera is that some objects might not be identified by the smell, so a person could take a picture. Then it will also show the object on the screen. There is also a battery case next to the camera. The band of this detector is about 15cm long. At last, the most important thing which is the sensor of the detector. It is located on the side of the detector. It inhale the smell of an object, and the object shows on the screen. That’s my smell detector!

Lightbox Design

During product design, I designed a lightbox with a place. I made a lightbox of a New Zealand Sea. I went to New Zealand 2 years ago. I went to New Zealand, and the Sea surprised me a lot. IT was fabulous, the seal was just sitting on a rock, and a fishing boat was going out to the sea. My family and I were supposed to travel to New Zealand this year, but we couldn’t go there because of the serious pandemic. Therefore, I decided to make a lightbox about the New Zealand sea with the ship and a seal on a rock.

In making the lightbox, my biggest obstacle, and the most interesting thing to do was using Adobe Illustrator. It was my first time using this application to make my lightbox. I learned a lot, too.  I learned about making specific dimension shapes, combining two shapes, making round the corners, and expanding/ tracing a picture.

My biggest success is that the LED part. It was hard for me to do the LEDs to what I wanted to be. I failed to make it perfect a lot of times, but at last, I finally succeeded. I glued some spacers on my layers’ backside, and I bind the LED line around the spacers.  So that when someone looks at my lightbox, they will see no LED lines, only a boat, a seal on a rock, and the sea. It was satisfying to me.

A one-piece that I would give to future students who will make a lightbox is that when we are painting with different colors in one layer, we should definitely use masking tape. When I was painting, masking tape helped me alto. It made me color the layers more accurately and smoothly. It will help people paint a lot.

Overall, I say my lightbox was a success; it looked mostly how I planned it before. Even though there are some parts, it was new and difficult for me, but I overcame these challenges. I am proud of myself.

My cranky contraption

My biggest success for this project was using electronic tools to make the cranky contraption. This was my first time to use electronic tools to design things. My biggest obstacle was to make a hole in popsicle stick. Because when I was making a hole, it always crack the popsicle stick, so it was hard. One thing that I want to change to my cranky contraption is trim the roof top and longer wires, and also small amount of glues.