Do Boxers deserve a bad reputation?

Boxers were formed in the late 1800s in Shandong Province. A rebellion of Boxers and foreigners occurred in China. After having boxers, China had suffered disadvantages. Boxers took ruthless actions against foreign nations, making the relationship between China and foreign countries worse. Therefore, they do deserve a bad reputation.

According to the video “Sound smart,” “Boxers killed not only foreigners but also Chinse who helped foreigners. The Boxers’ violence made China pay 330 million respiration bills and forbade China in importing firearms into the nation.” Boxers killed more than 230 foreigners, including women, men, and even children in China. Thousands of Chinse Christians were also murdered by them. On the other hand, when a drought happened in Shandong Province, China had faced hardship. At the same time, foreign missionaries came to China. They started to blame churches and gods since the steeples on the church were poking the sky. In addition, Boxers thought God was punishing them since foreign missionaries came to China.
At last, they burned down the Catholic Church in Beijing. Besides the church’s steeples poking the sky, they thought Christianity was ruining their Buddhism belief, which they thought was the best religion. Not only were churches eliminated, but Boxers also attacked legations and missionaries. For instance, on July 13th, Boxers started to attack French Legation. They dug a hole and made the wall that surrounded the legation collapse. People in the Legation and foreigners were afraid, so they headed their way to British Legations or churches. They started to kill any general people for no reason. Other things that the boxers do to foreigners was that they cut down railways and telegraphs. These steps made foreigners troublesome to communicate and to travel from one to another. By cutting the railway, eight nations were not able to help foreigners in Beijing. Then, they had away, which was going under the Watergate. Watergate in Beijing was an aversion. It made foreigners upset.

These were what Boxers did to foreigners but also Chinese. They had the harm of losing a tremendous amount of money because of Boxer’s brutal action. They paid 330 million respiration bills, which was a vast amount of money at that time. It was about one year of the GDP of China. They lost 1000 Chinese people, which was another drawback. More and Over, the relationship between foreign countries got worse. Eventually, Boxers and foreign governments had a war. Foreign countries defeated the boxers. If there were no boxers formed, these obstacles to China would never happen. They brutally killed numerous humans. They lost money but people and connections with foreign countries.

The relationship between Boxers and foreign countries was like the connection between Korea and Japan. The association between Korea and Japan was also severe; they had a war. Boxers unnecessarily killed Chinese and foreigners but also cut resources down. Boxers were vicious; thus, they do deserve a bad reputation.

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