
Hello, My name is Eloise Kang. I am currently a tenth-grade student (sophomore) studying at ISB. As of last year, photography- using film and digicams been a hobby of mine. For the next few months, I am very much looking forwards to sharing my pictures on this blog.


Los pros y contras de vivir en la Singapur

31 octubre, 2022

Por Eloísa Kang

Singapur es una ciudad-estado y una isla tropical soleado-situada en el sureste de Asia. Es una ciudad está habitada por cinco millones de personas de cuatro comunidades principales: china, malaya, india y euroasiática. Singapur está rodeado de agua porque es una isla. También está rodeado por un poco de Malasia. Singapur es una ciudad muy moderna y desarrollada. En Singapur, la población transporta en autobús, en coche, en bicicleta, en el MRT y a pie.


  • ¡Comida! Hay mucha comida deliciosa en Singapur. La comida de la calle de Singapur es muy sabrosa. Por ejemplo, hay arroz con pollo, laksa, nasi lemak, roti prata y cangrejos con chile. Me comida local favorita es el roti prata porque es muy crujiente y apetitoso. Singapur es especialmente conocido por su marisco. Cuando los turistas vienen en Singapur, tienen que comer cangrejos con chile y el cangrejo de pimienta negra.




  • ¡Lugares Turísticos! En Singapur, se puede visitar Jardín junto a la bahía. Es uno de los lugares turísticos más populares en Singapur. Garden By The Bay es un parque natural en el que puedes hacer bonitas fotos e ir con tu familia y amigos. Tú también puede visitar el safari de noche en Singapur. Es un zoológico y un parque de fauna que se visita por la noche con la familia y los amigos.


  • ¡Muy Seguro! Singapur es una de las ciudades más seguras. La ciudad de Singapur tiene un bajo índice de criminalidad. Los ciudadanos de Singapur siempre se sienten seguros. Los ciudadanos sienten absolutamente seguros para salir a la calle por la noche.

  • ¡Muy Limpia! Todos los lugares están muy limpios en Singapur. Los baños públicos y todas las áreas públicas están limpias. La higiene en Singapur es muy importante.

  • ¡Amable Las Personas! La población y la comunidad de Singapur es muy agradable. Los locales son muy amables, hospitalarios y simpáticos con los turistas y los extranjeros.










  • El Clima: El tiempo en Singapur es muy, muy, muy caluroso y húmedo. Si eres una persona a la que no te gusta el clima caluroso, entonces puede que no disfrutes de Singapur. Pero el clima es nunca está contaminado.

  • Alto costo de vida: Vivir en Singapur es muy caro. Todo es caro, por ejemplo: comida, 
    el alquiler de , y las compras. En Singapur, el alquiler medio de un apartamento es de 7.300 SGD, la comida 250 SGD y el transporte 120 SGD.





  • Sin montañas: Singapur es una ciudad-estado y una isla, por tanto está rodeado de agua, por lo que no hay montañas en Singapur. Si te gusta ir de caminata y caminar en las montañas, entonces yo recomiendo que no vivas en Singapur. Porque en Singapur no hay montañas.


  • La Ciudad pequeña: Singapur es una ciudad muy pequeña y es una de las ciudades más pequeñas del mundo. Sin embargo, hay mucha población viviendo en Singapur. Si te gusta hacer roadtrips, no te recomiendo que vivas en Singapur porque no se puedes hacer roadtrips en Singapur. 

Reflection on Socratic Seminar

In the formative Socratic seminar, I think I did well in keeping the discussion moving and contributing with different ideas and opinions. Throughout the discussion, I was able to build onto other people’s comments and I was thoroughly prepared for the seminar. However, I feel like I could work on linking ideas to the theme of the novel and also making eye contact with the speaker. For the next Socratic seminar, I will focus more on exploring the effect of all language choices and making sure that I am not monopolizing the seminar.

Reading Reflection #2

The most recent novel that I have been reading is called The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Up to now, I have read up to page 187 and this novel can be described as one that tells the story and takes us through the protagonist’s love life. This book foregrounds the different themes of culture, identity, poverty, and oscar finding love. Furthermore, this book emphasizes the problems of Dominican masculinity. The author, Junot Diaz, uses languages steeped in stereotypes about Dominican male sexuality. Such stereotypes have had a negative impact on Oscar throughout his life. In conclusion, I would recommend this book to any reader as this novel is an extraordinarily vibrant book that switches between fantasies and realities.

Reading Reflection #1

The most recent novel that I have read is called The Queen’s Gambit. The novel can be described as one that tells the story and experience of the protagonist. The protagonist Harmon, is an orphan who gets adopted in her teenage years. She is also described in the novel as a prodigy in chess. However, we can tell she does not fit in with her classmates, in simplicity, she is an introvert. Overall, the novel emphasizes that talent isn’t the only key to the success that one achieves, particularly when we defeat someone stronger, the book highlights how we are only able to achieve our greatest successes through intense dedication to study; and without that rigorous studying and effort, we may fall apart. In a way, the book emphasizes that talent can only get us so far; dedication, drive, and passion are just as important to our success. Additionally, this book foregrounds feminism and empowerment and how Harmon rises to the challenge of beating her male opponents and leaving them breathless at the end. In conclusion, I would recommend this book to any reader as this novel is breathtaking and beautiful along with the plot.


I want to expand my vocabulary choices by reading at least 30 minutes a day. I’ll know I have reached this goal when I can use these vocabularies in essays and analyses.

The Journal of a Cuban Revolutionary Soldier

People called him José Alvaro. He was a Cuban soldier that fought for justice alongside Fidel Castro and Ché Guevara against Batista and his corrupt government. José goes through many experiences as he survives through the Cuban revolution. This is his story about his agony, vehement, and calamity through the Cuban revolution.

The Cuban revolution was an important time in Cuban history. Violence plagued the streets and ordinary men had become guerilla combatant As a main event that happened between 26th of July 1953 to the 1st of January of 1959, the Cuban revolution took place. It was an armed revolt led by Fidel Castro against the government of Fulgencio Batista  This success of the Cuban revolution depended on the participation of Ché Guevara as he had one of the most important role during the revolution. He was the army’s official doctor, the revolts’ logical  strategist and the revolution’s main ideoligist. His leadership guided the revolution to success.

Was the Cuban Revolution Worth It?

This is a video made by Eloise, Emily, and Hannah. It talks about the Cuban Revolution and the aftermath of the revolution and it also talks about whether the Cuban Revolution was worth the sacrifices made. The Cuban Revolution was an armed uprising in Cuba that overthrew Fulgencio Batista’s government on January 1st, 1959. This revolution was led by Fidel Castro, who later went on to rule Cuba from 1959 to 2008. I believe that this revolution was not worth it because the aftermath of the Cuban Revolution was not all that great. Although the citizens of Cuba were freed from Batista and his corrupted government, conflicts between the US and Cuba and made severe impacts and influences on Cuba. During the Cuban missile crisis that was part of the aftermath of the revolution, leaders of the US and the Soviet Union had engaged in a tense negotiation that lasted for a week. This crisis brought the US and the Soviet Union close to war over the presence of nuclear missiles in Cuba and it almost ended the world. In addition, the revolution had also caused Kennedy to ban US citizens from traveling or making financial transactions with Cuba. The embargo on Cuba had also devasted the nation’s economy for more than 50 years. In conclusion, I believe that the Cuban revolution was not worth all the sacrifices made as the aftermath of Cuba was not pleasant.

From this unit, we can tell that most revolutions start out with a nation that has a corrupted government or monarch and that the nation’s society is divided into two classes, the poor and the rich. Most of the time, it’s the poor that leads the revolution against the rich and the corrupted. In short, revolutions are an uprising of violence that occurs when the population revolts against the government, most of the time due to political oppression.

“I Am Malala” The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban

“I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban” is written by Malala Yousafzai herself, and is a story about her campaign for women’s rights for education. The central idea/ theme in “I Am Malala” is the theme of Women’s Rights, and that women should have the same rights as men. Malala, a young Pakistani girl who narrates the book, is very passionate about the equality of both genders and often quotes the founder of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who regards this issue: “No struggle can succeed without women participating side by side with men.” To support my theme, these are the following pieces of evidence. “We have a custom called ‘Swara’ by which a girl can be given to another tribe to resolve a feud.” (Yousafzai 54-55). Malala had questioned why should a girl’s life be ruined to settle a dispute that she had nothing to do with? Malala had stated that she cannot force herself to respect a culture that treats women as currency. Another piece of evidence is “It was school that kept me going in those dark days(…) When I was in the streets it felt as though many men was a Talib.” (Yousafzai 112) This was a dark time during Malala’s life, her country was in chaos and she felt unsafe in her own town. On page 32 it was noted that Malala’s mom began and finished school at the age of six. At first, her mom was proud of being the only girl in school, but ultimately, she couldn’t force herself to continue. To explain this, when education is discouraged for women, it is easy for young girls to give in to what’s easier and more fun- not going to school- as they do not yet have the mature perspective on the power and importance of education! This book is by far the most inspirational book that I have ever read. Malala has been such an inspiration to many girls and women and myself included. I am not a big fan of Non-fiction books but after reading only the introduction, this book got me really hooked in. It was also really interesting to read about what happened to Malala and her village. After reading this book, it made me really think about the things around me and how lucky I am that I am able to go to ISB that has such a great facility and great teachers. This book made me feel grateful for what I had. I feel like Malala didn’t deserve to get shot in the head. But still, even after getting shot, she did not give up and kept fighting for what she had believed. She didn’t back down, she kept fighting for girls to get an education, to be as equal as boys. If I had to rate this book, it would definitely by 5 stars out of 5! I really recommend this book as it is really inspirational and knowledgeable.

Did The Boxers Deserve a Bad Reputation?

The Boxers do not deserve a bad reputation. The Boxers was an organization that wanted to protect Chinese culture and tradition and prevented foreign countries’ influence on China. They were furious about the idea that foreign countries were interfering with their nation, and their goal was to end all foreign influences in China. According to Walter Lefeber, a Cornell University Professor, American and foreign missionaries not only preached their religion but also sold their goods and products in an attempt to westernize the local Chinese. “American Missionaries were able to get into interior provinces of China [and] opened these provinces up to American business people.” (Lefeber) It is evident that the missionaries were slowly bringing more foreigners into the nation itself. The Boxers drove the missionaries away because they saw that the foreigners were threatening to alter and affect Chinese traditions and were taking control over Chinese lifestyles. In addition, “The Boxers also viewed Christianity as a threat to their traditional Buddhist and Confucian beliefs.” (Supporting Question 2.5) This piece of evidence shows why the boxers turned violent towards the foreigners and Chinese converts. Moreover, “Those villagers who had converted to Christianity, however, refused to participate in the rituals. Their neighbors suspected that this was the reason the gods disregarded their pleas for rain.” (Supporting Question 2.5) Although it was pure superstition, but the Boxers believed that the drought that lasted two years in Shandong was caused by the gods who were displeased by the Christians. The Christians refused to follow the rituals, for example, praying for rain. They believed that the Christians angered the gods which the entire province of Shandong have been punished with drought. When the foreign countries continued to force themselves onto China by invading and spreading their own culture, it was reasonable that the Boxers would fight back. In conclusion, the Boxers did not deserve a bad reputation because they wanted to protect and preserve the Chinese tradition and culture.