The Book That Will Clear Your Confusion On The Trial of The Century

The Borden Murders” is a book written by Sarah Miller that recaps the events that happened during, and before Lizzie Borden’s trial in 1892. Lizzie Borden was accused of murdering her father and her stepmother (whom she didn’t have a great relationship with) by striking them both in the head with an axe. The famous rhyme goes “Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.” One theme of this book could be that you should base your view of the situation off of facts and not bias. 

Two reasons why you should read this book:

  1. If you like to read about murders, if you are into law, and literary non-fiction then you should definitely read this book.
  2. In a way “The Borden Murders” teaches you about the different stages of a criminal case.

Something that I learned that thinking about central ideas will help you build and connect ideas and evidence that you have accumulated while reading the book. As I continued to read the book I realised that there are a lot of different ideas and themes that combine together to make a big theme/idea of the book.

One thought on “The Book That Will Clear Your Confusion On The Trial of The Century

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