The challenge for my project is to design and create a toy that converts energy.

Ideas that I am thinking about are a cat toy or a baby toy. With this in mind, I think that the energy that I might convert to/from will be elastic energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy, potential energy and kinetic energy.

Padlet for pictures about the ideas of the toys + Ideas that I like or not:

The targeted audience for the cat toy will be the families who own cats or pet stores and the targeted audience for the baby toy are babies, families, orphanages.

Cat toy:

Pros- I am already sure with the idea of how my toy would look like. Easy to brainstorm and think about what energy are converted.

Cons- Hard to create, may need some skills for putting things together. Materials may be hard to find.

Baby toy:

Pros- none.

Cons- hard to brainstorm, could be hard to create, may involve wood or the sowing machine.

Science Engineering Project Blog Post #1