The energy converted in the car is elastic (rubber band) to kinetic energy and is powered by. When the vehicle is pulled backward (winding the axle), the rubber band is coiled (potential energy is stored). When the car is released, the rubber band is unwound and shoots out. The potential energy is converted to kinetic energy during this process as it is propelled forward.

I was really successful in actually being able to create a car that functions from propels forward from pulling it within a short period of time.

As I have mentioned earlier in post 3, my car was wobbly. However, after I added designs using clay, the car was less unstable, but because of the clay’s additional weight, the car moved very slowly. I would fix the structure made from clay to reduce the weight that affects the vehicle’s speed.

The user of this product is my cat or any cats. My intention at first was to create a cat toy that the cat owner could enjoy time with the cat and play with it. My idea was to make a rat car moves from pulling it. The prototype could only satisfy the movement goal because safety concerns and aesthetic concerns would consume time to fix this into a successful product.

Sketch of the car:

Video of the Function of the Car: IMG_2839

The final design of the car (after adding clay, turned ugly):


Blog Post #4