Nick is a kid that has a lot of good ideas and like to liven things up in school. But he always looked for a teacher that understands him. Then one day he learned an interesting tidbit about how the words were created. Then he got a great interest in it so he started to make his own word he named his pen frindle. Then suddenly the word frindle didn’t  belong to Nick because everybody started to use it but there was nothing that Nick could do to stop it and make it back into his word. In the story, there is Mick, Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Granger, Janet, Nicholas, Mrs. Chatham, Tom, Mr. Allen, Judy Morgan, Mr. Webster, Ginny, and Lawrence. A connection with this book is when I was small in the kindergarten I always tried making my own word but that didn’t work well. I tried to make a new name for a toy but the word became a blob because if the O sounds T how am I going to say Sound.

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