While cutting out the actual shape of the car, I faced several difficulties with the thickness of the board. Since the wooden board wasn’t think enough to cut out with a scissors, I had to use the wood saw, while cutting with wheel holes, the wood kept breaking. At last I just glued the two pieces together, after seeing how painful it was to cut precise shapes. I changed my plans for the car’s tip part to a rounded edge I changed the head of the car it to just flat square making it easier for me to cut the main board.
Also, while tweaking the placement of the battery and the switch, I remembered that when the motor is placed at the back of the car, it is better for the car to have more weight on the back of the car since it would be pushing the car not pulling from the front. Thus, I had to make a small table type thing above the motors to put all the weight on the back. While made my design a bit messy on the back. Due to the fact that I added a second level to the car, the first idea that I had was, to make the car slim and fast was ruined at least the slim part was ruined since the car was too tall to make it slim.
Also, In my original design I the front wheel was simply held by a plastic straw, however, when I tried to hot glue the plastic straw, it melted and glue the wheels onto the board. That was simply solved by changing the plastic straw to paper straw which didn’t melt. Lastly, one of the reoccurring problems that happened was the wires that were connected to the battery kept getting unplugged, I’ve tried to tape it and it sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t, but it was the best i could do.