Progress Tracking:
1. LED/Coded substitute
- Arduino
- oms 230 resistor
- Breadboard
- Wires
- Computer Arduino app
2. Cardboard Box
3. Finished Product
- Arduino
- Pulse Sensor
- Wires
- LED screen
- Computer Arduino app/Tinkercad
Problems and Thoughts:
Throughout the project, we rarely had problems. And one of the problems we had were not solved even now, the problem was this, the sensor was not accurate enough, or not functionable enough, to measure one’s heartbeat without one needing to precisely place one spot of their finger to one spot of the sensor. Many people people did not find this “magic spot” and failed to gain any reaction from the screen. This problem was beyond our knowledge so we decided to ignore it, as there was nothing we could do. The other problem was discovered early on, Clarence had doubts on whether the project would work when it arrived, because we had to deal with apparatuses that we had no previous conception of. But in the end, our doubts were misplaced, and we complete the task with surprising ease. I think this project was a good chance to get some real experience, but let’s be honest, we only watched and emulated youtube videos online, I did not have any scientific mindset during and before the 4-day making process, only when other people’s final products were shown to me, did I really start gaining any ideas of my own. For many of the projects of others, I do not even see a direct connection to the subject we were given. I guess one takeaway was that gained a rudimentary understanding of how Arduino’s and wires work, although lots of the parts I don’t even know the specific detail of.