I need to break the whole plan down into small steps to help me get the whole product out of the way. Here are my steps :

  1. Decide what product do I want to make (Already explain in blog post 1)
  2. Learn the knowledge that I need to use for my project
  3. Make the sketch model and design paper
  4. Prepare the materials that I need (if I can’t find them in the school’s design center, buy it online)
  5. Learn some manufacturing techniques (can guarantee  the product that we made is the same as a power bank on our design paper)
  6. Go to the design center, and manufacture the product
  7. Finish the product
  8. Collect the comment and make some fixing for my product

In order to make this charging device complete and run normally, I need to learn some knowledge and techniques in new fields. I need to know how to build a complete circuit that loops current through the device. I  need to understand how lithium batteries, solar panels, and power banks work.  For techniques,  I also need to handle how to weld wires. We learned this through Internet access, videos, and textbooks, as well as discussions with teachers, classmates, and parents.

My schedule:

  1.  The first day: Make  final modifications to the design
  2. The second day: Make the solar power bank
  3. The third day: Make the solar power bank
  4. The fourth day: Finish making the solar power bank. Taking a test of the product,  then collect feedback and advice from others
  5. The fifth day: Modify the product to improve its performance

Material lists:

  1. USB interface
  2. Wire (two colors: red for + and black for -)
  3. Self-locking Power switch
  4. Lead-acid storage batteries
  5. Soldering gun
  6. Electric resistor
  7. Scissors
  8. Multimeter
  9. Glue gun
  10. Wire strippers
  11. Tin wire
  12. heat shrinkable tube