Panel controlling the curtains 

I chose this picture because I thought that his panel is an essential part of the functioning of the theatre because it controls the curtains, it moves the curtains up and down, from left to right, if the panel wasn’t there the curtains would have to be moved by humans tugging on ropes.


I chose this picture because I found it interesting that this machine can dim all the lights in the theatre which I find very cool. This machine can control the brightness and dimness in the theatre.

Fly System

This space is the highest place in the theatre and the ISB building and that is why I found it interesting. This is the root of the theatre as everything is attached to this area of the theatre.

Fly Space 

This is where the curtains are attached and are moved side to side. This part of the theatre is really important because it is a part of the curtain machinery and without it, the curtains won’t be attached.


This narrow pathway is above the audience. I never noticed the catwalk until we went up there which I thought was unbelievable. It is utilized for workers to walk on without the audience noticing. It can be super beneficial during acts because the audience cannot see the catwalk from their perspective.

The Booth

I think the booth is interesting because it controls all the lights displayed on stage, the colors, which side the light is shined, and the cyclorama. The light can create a sense of the mood on stage so I think it is significantly important.