My images link to the inspirational images because they use color to bring the energy out of the subject. Elements emphasized are color, repetition, and shape. I think color is really important in my photographs, as they set the tone and mood of the setting. For example, in picture 3, the pink contrasted on the blue, corresponding with the slight blur, shows a sense of “busyness”. The contrast of colors bringing out the subject and focusing on the key elements. In photo #4, it’s extremely dark, and you can see a bit of reflected color on the lipsticks allowing you to focus on them. The vibrance of the phone’s screen’s color captures the things “brought to life”, which in this case you can see the music playing on the phone. In picture #5, you can see the use of circles. There are multiple subjects in the photo, one being the eye pallet, and the other being the earrings, hoops to be specific. The 2 subjects are brought together by the use of repetition of shape. I didn’t use a certain photography technique, and line isn’t an element of my photographs.

I hope for my audience to feel a sense of excitement when they see my photographs. Perhaps they will ask what event is the person attending. The colors and darkness set a tone of nightlife. The last 3 photos, I hope for the audience to get the idea of a “Girl’s Night”, or perhaps just a night out with friends. Using the darkness of the photo to capture the nighttime, and the vibrance of colors to “bring things to life”.

Alex Webb’s photos really show the complexity of the world, and most importantly to use colors to show that. I try to use color and the vibrance, shades, and tones to really show the “busyness”, relating to the complexity Webb tries to show. I think it worked well in my images, as the primary colors set a lonely or perhaps tired tone, and the vibrance of colors brought my subjects to life. Something I can perhaps improve on to use different elements of color inside my photographs. They can perhaps use more shadows, value, and vibrance.