The title of my project is ‘Girl’s Night’. An artist that inspired me was Alex Webb, as I loved his use of color. My images connect to my inspirational images because they use contrast and different tones and shades of color to emphasize the different subjects within my photos. In my photos now, I have used the vibrance of color as well as shades, to emphasize my subjects instead of the use of focus on detail. I created my final series of images by using different lightings and angles as well as playing with the colored leds. I think a strength of this project is the use of color. The emphasis was on the vibrance and different hues, using shade to bring out certain subjects, and use shapes to add onto the different elements within each photograph. In future projects, I wish to work with a lighter background, as the color black helped focus my items much more. I can perhaps use colors itself instead of shade for the emphasis of my subjects.
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