5 Characteristics that really define my chosen photographs, is focus, contrast, texture, shape, and shade. Many of Albert’s photos focus on one particular subject, and use different shades and textures of the subject to create focus, as well as the contrast between the subject and the background. Some of his photos also include shape and pattern, as there is a repetition of a shape to make up the subject. I chose this photographer because I found his use of focus on ordinary objects, interesting. It relates to my vision as alot of my photos include the quality of his. A quote that of his that really allowed me to understand his work, was, “Nature, after all, is not so poor that she requires constant improvement”. In my understanding, Albert meant that nature is in-fact beautiful, you just need to see it from different or perhaps, right,  angles. I think that’s why his photos focus on ordinary subjects, though his way of photographing them allows us to see the beauty in them.

My favorite photo by Albert is the photo of the dandelion . I chose this image because I liked how it focused on the dandelion from an interesting perspective. Something I find unusual of the photograph, is the focus point on the dandelion, which in this case is towards the center where the seeds are. Usually people like dandelions for the fluff feels of the dandelion. A formal element within the photograph is focus. It is important because the attention to detail within the photo allowed you to focus on the subject, and one specific area of the subject, in this case being the center of the dandelion.

Albert’s photos are abstract, as his photos capture the subject from a usual view one would usually not consider.  What I like about his style is that he’s able to capture a mood within his photographs, and his photographs are all of ordinary subjects, and a perspective you would never see it in, I think this is what takes the ordinariness out of the subject. I want to be able to capture ordinary objects from different angles, I think that something that he does well that really inspires me.

My vision is to show the beauty of everyday objects.

I will take photos in the style of Albert Renger-Patzsch. I am particularly inspired by his photo of a dandelion, and will try to take photos that capture an ordinary subject from an interesting perspective that one doesn’t usually see the subject from. I really want the audience to be able to get the same idea of “taking the ordinariness out of a subject”, as I did when I saw his photos.