
Jack and Annie get’s an invitation from a person named M. they suddenly arrived at Camelot! They met Morgan when they climbed down the tree house but she was surprised that they were here! They thought that M. sent them the message but it wasn’t her! Morgan was sad, she said the Christmas in Camelot this year was canceled!!! A Christmas knight rushed into the room whee king Arthur was talking with the knights of the round table he demanded to send more knights and people to find the cup of memory and imagination. But king Arthur refused but Annie and Jack was up to the task, they went to the other world on a white stag and they got a cloak, a red one. Annie thought the cloak was an invisibility cloak while Jack though she was crazy, Annie put on the hood of the cloak and suddenly she disappeared! Annie pretended that she was the wind and they went passed the gate as she said “whoosh” while she pushed the gate open. They found elves and winged creatures dancing forever and Jack got caught it the spell he couldn’t stop dancing! Annie pulled him away and showed him where the knights were and they rescued them from dancing. They found the water of imagination once they received the compass, key and a cup they found the secret door that led to the water of memory and imagination and they filled the cup with the water. But then they saw the real keeper of the cauldron, it was four mighty dragons! Annie and Jack drank the water of memory and imagination and they suddenly fought with sticks that had fire on them it was fire with fire. They finally defeated the dragon and they returned with the three missing knights to Camelot. Jack and Annie rode on the white stag back to Camelot, Jack accidentally spilled the water of imagination and memory on the floor, but then suddenly a golden cloud formed, the joy and laughter of Camelot was restored! Morgan showed them where the stag was and they saw a old man that was standing there instead! It was Merlin, Merlin the magician, he was the stag and the Christmas knight!


Annie likes to imagine, she’s full with different ideas and she believes in magic, she is very caring and she notices very well about her surroundings, like when jack was dancing Annie first noticed that the knights were there too and Jack was caught in a spell! She pulled Jack out because she cared about him the knights too, she is full of ideas because she thought of drinking the water of imagination and memory.


I think my connection with Annie is that I believe in magic too and I imagine a lot of things that could happen. I would like to have magic, the difference is that they used magic while I just hope that I could use magic