
Dustfinger the fire raiser traveled from his world (Ink world) to the human world, he brings Farid, Gwin with him but when he wanted to go back to the Ink world Orpheus only brought Dustfinger back leaving Farid’s story part behind, Orpheus reads people into his writing’s so he brought Dustfinger back but since he didn’t like Farid, he left him in the human world. Farid stole his page of parts and went to find another girl named Meggie that can also read people into books. He was all hurt when he got to Meggie’s house, she said if she read him into the pages she would go with him, he was not happy about it but she still read him and herself into the Ink world. Once she got into the Innk world she met her friend Fenoglio, he is the creator of the Ink world, Meggie and Farid traveled for days in the forest, eating berries and rabbits that Farid caught. Until she finally got to Fenoglio’s house. He brought her to the Prince of sighs which was originally the Laughing Prince before his son died (Cosimo the fair). The prince of sighs has a bear that is very loyal to him, and is very angry in front of strangers, the prince of sighs actually thought that Meggie was Fenoglio’s girl friend!

Dustfinger was reunited with Roxane (his wife) and finally Farid found Dustfinger with Meggie’s help.


Meggie is kind, adventurous and likes to help people, Farid likes Meggie a lot and is always loyal to Dustfinger and really likes Gwin (Dustfingers bird). Dustfinger is a person that is not afraid of the dark, he is very brave and loves his family.


I remember when my dad was mad at me for going to some places that I want like how Meggie’s dad (Mortimer) didn’t let Meggie to help Farid to go to the Ink World.