I chose top chef, for I wanted to try and make  food that would be yummy and made by myself, since at home, my parents don’t buy me materials to make, plus they don’t cook often (maybe not even once a year), and I really enjoyed cooking once I tried it so I would like to cook with this chance . But most importantly is my love for food!

To make things fun, the teachers decided to add in a mystery ingredient, they took paper bags and each bag apparently had an ingredient that had to be used in one of the dishes each group cooked. All of us pointed to one bag and we got… Spinach! Spinach was easier to use than a lot of other ingredients picked by other groups, but we couldn’t find a dish that would fit it. So we finally chose to put it in the mushroom soup!

Our group chose mushroom soup as an appetizer due to our impression of its nice taste and how easy the recipe seemed like, the result turned out a bit salty. But it was nice overall, while since our mystery ingredient was spinach we chose to add it to the soup which gave our mushroom soup a spinach taste.  While we were finished with the whole soup, we found tha

t the presentation wasn’t that nice, so we decided to decorate it with cheese and bread which tasted quite well with the soup.

We chose Spaghetti Carbonara as a main dish because we thought it would fit our appetizer well, and it has a nice taste. Our spaghetti had a cheesy flavoring with bacon and eggs to help the flavor thrive. Meanwhile, we got introduced to the mystery ingredient: Spinach, we decided to use it in our spaghetti since we had to use it after all.

At last for dessert, we chose lava cake, even though lava cake is made by almost every group, we believe ours can be made well at the same time! The lava cake we made didn’t work as well as we expected, there was not any type of liquid chocolate flo

wing out of the cake, even so, the cake worked out really well, the middle fo the lava cake was filled with rich dark chocolate flavoring. Due to the lumpy layout of the lava cake, we use apple jam to help present it as decoration, spinach leaves were used to show leaves of the sunflower. since so we named our cake the ‘Sunflower Chocolate Cake’!

I felt that one day was important since it would give us time to try out new things and let our interest in different categories rise and help us interact with more people!