This found poem is based on the story “The Last Kiss”, the protagonist faces challenges when becoming used to bedtime kisses he gets every night from both his parents and finds that he cannot get kisses from his father. As the protagonist hangs on tight to the kisses he used to gain, his father is pushing him to accept that he is grown up, and will not get the kisses he used to get, he tries hard to keep things the way they were, but his father knows that it’s time for him to grow up and that he is in need to understand that things have become different. On my found poem I drew lips, a heart, and a boy’s figure seen from behind, and wind like symbols making it seem like the boy is getting farther away from the lips that gave him the bedtime kisses, showing change within the boy, as well as the distance between his father’s kiss and himself.
“Next night I decided to try my father again. Maybe last night’s missed kiss was no more than a quirk”, from this sentence you can feel that the protagonist is trying to lie to himself, he wants to know that his father was only joking, or it was only an accident.
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