Reflecting on the previous Socratic seminar, what I did well was to maintain active within the discussion, and stay on topic, analyzing the novel meanwhile presenting evidence to support my claims.

Flaws that were noticed by my peers on the peer feedback include poor eye contact and body posture during the discussion in addition to excessive use of filler language. This corroborates with the received grading on the rubric, in which my language within the discussion was given an ‘Approaching’ combined with written feedback on the informal use of language. Furthermore, the inadequate analysis of the author’s choices also reflected onto the rubric, in which the effects on the audience weren’t explained and discussed thoroughly.

Due to these observations, in the future Socratic seminars, my goals are to show active engagement and interaction with my peers in the discussion, as well as to present an idea clearly and formally, without the usage of filler words. Additionally, I would like to achieve a more sufficient analysis of the book, and how the values are shown inside it reflect onto the real world. To achieve the above, further annotations during preparation and practice can support the flow of the discussion, and express my ideas smoothly.