A Essay based on the story “All Ball”
Author: Marry Pope Osborne
By: Janelle
In the story All Ball, Marry’s father was leaving to Korea in 6 weeks, he will be gone for a year. Marry was devastated by the news but with the 50 cents her dad gave her, she bought a ball and it became her everything, she named the ball All ball. One day her All Ball got ripped apart and anger and grief was all she could feel. A reason objects can change a person’s feeling is how there was anger and grief inside Mary when All ball “Died”.
Sometimes when you parents buy you gifts, you feel unique or special and the gifts you receive makes you feel different from others, and thats when you feel happy. As an example Marry said the ball is bouncy spunky and vibrant. This shows that Marry thought that the ball was alive, it was the only ball that she would ever like, she felt that it was party of her family.
Another reason is that sometimes kids treat their toys like a family member, but parents don’t understand how they feel about their toys. For instance, when her dad was showing a new blue and white ball it enraged Marry even more, when that happened you could tell that nothing could replace her All ball, it was everything she wanted. When he offered her the ball she said ‘”I hate it! Go away!”, and when he asked “You won’t let me give you this new ball?” she answered “NO!” with another wave of grief. This is a example of why objects can change a person’s feelings.
Sometimes parents accidentally destroy/ruin their kids toys, they tell the kids we’ll buy you that again. They don’t understand their kids love for only that one thing, even if it’s the same thing their kids won’t feel the same. Finally, the last example is when her ball got ripped into pieces and her dad said “I’ll buy you another ball” Marry thought that he couldn’t have uttered crueler words. She thought that nothing could replace his spirit, his bounce and his steadfastness. This shows that she feels like her dad is actually taking away everything that made her happy.
As you can see, Marry’s ball was all she cared for that time when she heard her dad was leaving for Korea, and just because of All ball, anger and grief had swelled up inside her. All these reasons show why objects can actually change a person’s feelings.
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