My deck for this draft, is a blue and red deck that doesn’t
have a huge bomb, I lost a round which may have changed if
I did save my mana for my counter spell. My deck is based
on putting down 4/5 or 3/4 creatures, and use flying to
kill my opponents.

My draft needed to have some bombs that could make a
game change, if I  were to pick a few bombs if i see
a bomb in my early drafting stages, and build up on
that color it may have been a better choice for me
and my deck, a weakness I discovered for my deck was
that most of my tough creatures take a lot of mana to
cast, but sometimes I am unable  to draw lands to pay
for my creatures that can make a change to the board
that can give me an advantage.

I took out a frilled sea serpent to put in Act of Treason
that is able to gain me more value by allowing me to gain
control of a creature on my opponents board and I can attack
using his own creature on himself.

Magic the Gathering is a really cool game, there are lots of changes between rounds, and you’ll never know when someone casts a spell that just gets rid of your winning position, It was hard to keep my creatures on the board, especially when I played with players with bombs that were huge. My goal for the next draft is to build around a huge bomb, a planes walker or a certain creature with abilities that are incredibly useful so that I can have game changers.